Agenda /


Registration open, drinks and food served


Contagious Welcome

Paul Kemp-Robertson, Chief Content Officer, LIONS & co-Founder Contagious


Trend Talk: Guttertech & Make-do Media 


AI might have been the hot topic on the Croisette but, when it came to the winning work, much of it ignored pioneering tech in favour of the most basic, lo-fi solutions. This theme will look at the brands that traded cutting-edge for cut-through.



Paul Kemp-Robertson, Cheif Content Officer LIONS, Jacob Denno, Creative Director & Imogen Almond, Head of Creative, Innocent, Anto Chioccarelli, Creative Director Global Media & Entertainment Group

Looking Ahead in OOH 2024 with Global Media and Entertainment Group


Creative Impact, Unpacked

The Creative Impact stream in Cannes brought together some of the world's smartest effectiveness thinkers with cutting-edge brands. So what did we learn? The WARC team highlight the big themes emerging from the Festival that you can plug in to your own work.

7.05pm /

Trend Talk: Dumb Like a Fox


Sometimes the most idiotic ideas hide the smartest thinking. This theme examines the weird winners that strategically buried their genius in order to deliver crazy results for the brands that created them.


Contagious panel: What it took to win in 2024

Chloe Marcowicz, Editor, Contagious, Ryan McManus CCO, VML, Harjot Singh, Global Chief Strategy Officer, McCann Worldgroup, Fridaous El Honsali, VP Marketing, Dove

We'll be asking our experts, judges and some of this year's winners to share their analysis of the most significant and directional campaigns from the festival, the trends that are shaping the most effective, influential work and look into what it took to take home a Lion in 2024.


More drinks, food and networking. Event ends at 9pm.